Colorized Portraits

Restoring Old Photos

I was looking at old family photos and I was just thinking about how cool it would be to see them in color. I then realized that I could do that. Photos that were in color were just painted on the photo and I realized I could do the same thing in photoshop. I looked up a video to see what they recommend. I then took photos of both of my grandmothers and colorized them.

The process of colorizing is that each color is it’s own layer. You change the opacity of the color to overlay and then you use a masking layer to “paint” the color on to the image. Each color is it’s own layer. It takes a bit of effort to do this process but it turns out really cool.

After I completed the photos of my grandmothers my brother in law asked if I would do the same thing for a photo of his father and uncle at their high school graduation. I agreed and it was so much fun to do the photo. It had a lot of damage so I tried my best to fix it.

I’m happy to have preserved my family history but provide a color accurate version for future generations to enjoy. Check out these before and afters!


Posted on

August 23, 2018

1 Comment

  1. Nancy Kunz

    These are awesome!@!!


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